Fifteen students from the School of Psychology of the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB) presented their posters on different research projects in the field of psychology.
On November 21, the IV Venezuelan Congress of Psychology began at the Central University of Venezuela (UCV), an event that brings together professionals and researchers in the area of psychology, whose main objective is to analyze the different psychological perspectives from the slogan of “Mental Health: a path to good living” to demonstrate its relevance in individual and collective well-being.
UCAB was positioned as the third university with the highest student participation with fifteen students from the School of Psychology, belonging to the Psychology Research Conference (JIPsi) and the Inicia Program, which aim to develop the competencies of students from lines of scientific research. “The role of the student (…) it is relevant because it allows you to broaden your vision during your training,” said Jessika Zambrano, a student in the eighth semester of the degree.

The psicoucabistas students had the opportunity to present the research projects they have been developing in the JIPsi and Inicia programs during their career. Zambrano reiterated that the works presented have an important value, not only for academic training but can also transcend to be exposed. In addition, the students were able to answer questions about their interventions during the congress, where professionals from the Caracas Metropolitan Area and the interior of the country were present.
The congress was held in the Tobias Lasser Auditorium of the Faculty of Sciences of the UCV, which has a capacity of approximately 250 people; whose figure was exceeded by leading its organizers to the Auditorium of the Faculty of Social Economic Sciences, which has the capacity for around 400 people, where the live transmission of the different interventions was projected through the digital platform of Zoom for the rest of the attendees.
The President of the Organizing Committee, José Eduardo Rondón, pointed out that expectations were completely exceeded, since days before the congress there was an uptick in the registrations of the participants that forced them to enable seven additional classrooms to present the papers in parallel. In addition, he indicated that more than 160 people attended the event between Tuesday and Wednesday of this month.