Educational support
Academic Personal Support Program (PAPA)
Program Modalities
The program (PAPA) of the School of Psychology consists of three large groups of semi-independent activities linked by the same objective, as shown below:
- Comprehensive Academic Tutoring (TAI)
Individual cutting sub-program. It is based on the direct relationship between the tutor and the student, in order to enhance integration skills in the academic field.
It seeks to encourage analysis, interpretation and reflection in the student through the development of a study and work methodology that is appropriate to the demands of the career being studied.
Identify your difficulties or possible improvements in the academic field and propose modifications or different alternative solutions to your problems. And, support you in any school and/or personal problems that arise during your stay at the university.
- Academic Advancement Support Program (PROGRESAA)
Provide the necessary tools for the completion of the different cycles and stages in the established times, and additionally ensure the necessary knowledge and the development of skills and attitudes essential to get along in life. If you want to learn more about this program, click here.
- Supplementary Instruction (IS)
Offers regularly scheduled, out-of-class sessions with peer facilitators that are open to all students in the course. Students attend sessions voluntarily. IS facilitators are students who have demonstrated proficiency in this or a comparable course and who have participated in an intensive training session of at least two days.
Teachers in charge

Anaís Suárez