Laureano Márquez joins the UCAB School of Psychology Campaign for the prevention of suicide in Venezuela
SUICIDE IN VENEZUELA is growing alarmingly, with the state of Mérida at the top of the unfortunate list. Laureano Márquez joins the UCAB School of Psychology Campaign for SUICIDE PREVENTION in Venezuela, giving us his talent with: A JOURNEY OF LAUGHTER. Day: Tuesday, February 6 Time: 5pm Place: Aula Magna UCAB. Collaborate with at least 10 dollars, enjoy the JOURNEY OF LAUGHTER that our beloved Laureano will take you and in this way you will be saving lives.

In this first stage we will carry out the UCAB 2024 Psychosocial Camp in the Páramo Merideño, an area deeply affected by the scourge of suicide. This camp is led by professors and students of UCAB Psychology, to collaborate with evaluation in psychological, personal and community intervention. Collaborate by enjoying the event and joining its dissemination through different social networks. A simple gesture can save lives.